
What bass tones can you get from a SansAmp Bass Driver DI?

The SansAmp Bass Driver DI (which we carry) is considered by many bassists to be an indispensable tool when it comes to tone shaping…

…but can it recreate famous bass tones all on its own?

This video below shows some of what this little black box is capable of doing:

Yes, the bassist does use a pick for Geddy and Flea tones. And while that’s not considered a proper way to emulate those specific tones, the point is that without that much effort, you really can recreate fairly convincing famous bass tones using just the SansAmp and a Jazz Bass.

But wait, there’s more.

Here is another video demo of the Bass Driver DI. In this demo, you will learn a lot about what this pedal is capable of doing. Two different basses with different pickup configurations are used. There is some talking in the beginning, but from about 1:30 on, it’s all nothing but tones so you can really hear what the pedal can do.

Again, without that much effort, you get a ton of ways to shape your sound with this one pedal. It can also do wonders for any bass where the pickups sound a bit “flat” to your ears, as this can be an easy way to introduce that punch you’ve been looking for.

Where DI is concerned, it’s easy to see why so many bassists really like this pedal.

5 thoughts on “What bass tones can you get from a SansAmp Bass Driver DI?”

  1. When using the SansAmp, when shaping tones what settings are the amp left on…flat? If I’m running an Ampeg PF500, would it be better to shape tone using amp EQ, or leave it flat and shape with SansAmp?

    • Any option is valid – mixing and matching the pedal EQ with the amp EQ will give you a world of sonic possibilities. Another thing you can do is plug the SansAmp into your effects return, which bypasses your amp’s preamp altogether. This way you are just hearing the SansAmp straight into your amp’s power amp.

  2. I have the rack version for my big stage amp and the pedal for my baby baby blue, it’s a don’t leave home without it kinda thang. I’ve owned both ever since they first came out. As a tech and working in music stores I have recommended both to many bassists and received many thank you. Everyone loved them and never had one come back for any reason.

  3. Hey Carolyn….any thoughts on my earlier post? When you are using your SansAmp, are you setting the EQ on your amp flat? I will be running it with an Ampeg PF500 portoflex? Any insight or opinions are apprecicated!


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