Jazz Bass Pickups

Frankie - Bass Tech Will these Jazz Bass Pickups work with your Bass? Ask Frankie, our Bass Tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Jazz Bass Pickups?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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  1. Nordstrand 5 String Jazz Bass Single Coil

    $111.00 - $229.00
    *Sets and Singles for your 5 String Basses*
    NJ5 Single Coil 5 String Jazz Bass Pickups Please check the physical size of the pickups you want to replace to make sure the replacements fit properly. NJ5 Single coil 5 String jazz bass pickups Five string...
  2. Nordstrand 5 String Jazz Bass Humbucking

    $147.00 - $291.00
    NJ5S Split Coil Humcancelling 5 String Jazz Bass Pickups Please check the physical size of the pickups you want to replace to make sure the replacements fit properly. NJ5S Split coil 5 String jazz bass pickup These...
  3. Nordstrand Big J-Blade Series

    Nordstrand Big J-Blade Series Pickups
    Big J-Blades The newest addition to our line of original Signature pickups, the Big J-Blade is Jazz-style single coil pickup, with a continuous sensing blade offered in two different winds to provide the style of tone specific to the individual...

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Jazz Bass Pickups?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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