
Frankie - Bass Tech Will these Strings work with your Bass? Ask Frankie, our Bass Tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Strings?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at or chatting with our Bass Techs

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  1. GHS Fingerboard Care Kit

    GHS Fingerboard Care Kit Guitar maintenance is just as critical to an instrument’s sound and playability as a new set of strings. Clean, smooth frets allow for optimal contact of the strings to your instrument, improving the instrument’s...
  2. Rotosound RotoBass

    $19.95 - $27.95
    Rotosound 4, and 5 String RotoBass Nickel Roundwound Bass Strings
    This very popular nickel on steel string offers the best of both worlds insomuch that without sacrificing on quality Rotosound engineers have simplified the design spec. dispensed with the silk and increased productivity as a result. This enables...

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Strings?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at or chatting with our Bass Techs

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