
Frankie - Bass Tech Will these 3-Band work with your Bass? Ask Frankie, our Bass Tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy 3-Band?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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  1. Nordstrand JC-3b PREWIRED 3-band Vol P/P - Bl - Treb P/P - Mid - Bass P/P

    JC-3b Preamp JC-3b - PREWIRED - 3 band bass preamp with volume (pull passive), blend, treble (push/pull neck pickup - series down, parallel up), mids (1kHz down, pull up for 400Hz), bass (push/pull bridge pickup - series down, parallel up)The...
  2. Nordstrand 3B-3 1-Pickup 3-Knob 3-Band Vol P/P A/P - Mid P/P - Treb/Bass Stack

    3B-3 ( 1 pickup - 3 Knob)- Volume (pull passive)- Mid (pull frequency selector)- Treble/Bass Stack
    Nordstrand 3B-3 Control Configuration Volume (Push/Pull Active/Passive) Mid(Push/Pull) Treble/Bass Stack Technical Specifications Overall Gain: +/- 10db by a trim pot on the...
  3. Richter 3BP 1 or 2-Pickup 3-Knob 3-Band Vol - Treb/Bass P/P A/P Stack - Mid/Mid Stack

    1 or 2-pickup, 3-band, 3-knob Volume - Treble/Bass Stack (Push-Pull Active/Passive) - Midrange Stack (Parametric)
    Richter 3BP 3-band Preamp The BassXX Preamp (pronounced "Bass-ics") is a filter-based pre-amp which provides very flexible parametric EQ control with sweepable mids. Its outstanding sound performance is achieved through careful circuit...

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy 3-Band?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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