
Frankie - Bass Tech Will these Potentiometers work with your Bass? Ask Frankie, our Bass Tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Potentiometers?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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  1. Noble 25K EQ Pot for Aguilar OBP-1 Stack Treble/Bass or Volume for active EMG pickups

    Noble 25K EQ Pot for Aguilar OBP-1 Stack Treble/Bass or Volume/Volume or Volume/Tone for active EMG pickups
  2. EMG 25k Blend Potentiometer 6mm Solid Shaft

    25k Balance Potentiometer for use with active pickups
    25k Solid Shaft Blend/Balance Potentiometer
  3. EMG 25K SPL Control Volume Push Pull Potentiometer

    solderless/modular EMG 25K SPL Control Volume Push Pull Potentiometer
    25k Push-Pull pot for use with EMG pickups such as 35,40,45TW or any EMG pickup that requires use of a push pull pot on the Dual Mode pickups that require them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Potentiometers?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at sales@bestbassgear.com or chatting with our Bass Techs

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