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Thumb Rests

Frankie - Bass Tech Will these Thumb Rests work with your Bass? Ask Frankie, our Bass Tech.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Thumb Rests?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at or chatting with our Bass Techs

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  1. Zero Mod 4003v2 Ric Thumb Rest (White)

    The white is top quality 1/4" acrylic. Both are precision CNC made in a machine shop here in the USA. The position and design mean NO NEW HOLES in your bass, so it's condition remains TOTALLY ORIGINAL. Both rests include two chrome pick guard screws which are slightly longer than the stock Rickenbacker screws, so you don't even change the existing screw hole size by adding this on.
    If you are a finger-style player with a Rickenbacker 4003, you know there is no really good place to "hang your thumb." You see many Rics with a wear spot at the corner of the pickguard, where players try to"dig in," and many Rics with the chrome...
  2. Zero Mod 4003v2 Ric Thumb Rest

    Ric 4003 2015-2020 retro pickguard Thumb Rest
    If you are a finger-style player with a Rickenbacker 4003, you know there is no really good place to "hang your thumb." You see many Rics with a wear spot at the corner of the pickguard, where players try to"dig in," and many Rics with the chrome...

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Where Can I Buy Thumb Rests?

Answer: You can buy these from Best Bass Gear by Calling 877-839-3531 or Emailing us at or chatting with our Bass Techs

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